FBP 71: Al Snow Part 2
In part two of the interview, Al Snow talks about the current situation of TNA, his experiences doing wrestling reality shows such as Tough Enough and TNA British Bootcamp, his history as a trainer an...
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Maj 2016: Mój własny Mount Rushmore dla gwiazd wrestlingu: Najlepsi zawodnicy w historii
W tym miesiącu mój wpis na blogu poświęcam wyborowi najlepszych zawodników profesjonalnego wrestlingu na świecie. Kryterium, według którego dokonałem wyboru zawodników opiera się o ich ogromny sukces ...
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FBP 70: Al Snow
Al Snow discusses his new wrestling school The Al Snow Wrestling Academy and schools everyone on pro wrestling 101. This episode is a MUST LISTEN for any aspiring wrestler, experienced pro or fans loo...
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FBP 69: Glen Osbourne
Former ECW Television Champion Glen Osbourne talks about the wrestling business in the early 90's, working for ECW and WWE, his opinion on the current wrestling scene and much more. Plus, Don Roi...
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Gala Superkombat New Heroes na żywo z Bukaresztu w FightBox HD
Już w sobotę 7 maja o 19:00 na kanale FightBox HD rozpocznie się bezpośrednia transmisja gali Superkombat Fighting Championship, jednego z najlepszych cykli imprez kickbokserskich. Po udanym ameryk...
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Kwiecień 2016: Czy sporty walki przetrwałyby bez pojęcia narodowości?
Sporty walki to tak naprawdę biznes. Biznes, który opiera się na współzawodnictwie, na emocjach towarzyszących walce, rywalizacji, na nerwach, powrotach zawodników na ring i kulcie bohaterów. Ale poży...
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FBP 68: Randy Gordon
Former New York State Athletic Commissioner and long time boxing personality Randy Gordon returns to the FightBox Podcast to discuss the long-overdo legalization of MMA in New York state, all the late...
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FBP 67: KOK Review with Łukasz Czarnowski + KOK Highlights
Łukasz Czarnowski of madfight24.com joins Don Roid to review the King of Kings event from April 9th in Moldova that was live on FightBox HD. The video version of the podcast contains highlights from t...
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Results for FightBox's KOK Hero's Series - April 9th 2016
FightBox’s KOK Hero’s Series continued last night in front of more than 8,000 people in Moldova. It was a busy night of action as there were six fights that were live on FightBox HD, including a women...
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FBP 66: Erecting a Macho Man Statue with Lanny Poffo and Joe Chapman
Joe Chapman is on a mission to get a statue of WWE Hall of Famer, Randy "Macho Man" Savage erected in Columbus, Ohio, USA. "The Genius" Lanny Poffo, a former WWE wrestler and the b...